Under The Kilt: A Scottish History Podcast

Under The Kilt: A Scottish History Podcast

During the fourth season of Shared History, we had the pleasure of being joined by Scottish actor and playwright, Adam McNamara (Black Mirror, Vikings, OLC: Harry Potter & The Cursed Child) as a guest. Later in the season, at Adam’s recommendation, we got fellow Scottish actor (and BAFTA & Olivier award winner, nbd) Jack Lowden (Mary Queen of Scots, Fighting With My Family, Dunkirk) to join us as a guest as well. Due to a scheduling conflict, I asked Adam if he’d step up and help me co-host Jack’s episode and…well…I guess he enjoyed himself because shortly thereafter he asked if I’d help him start and co-host a Scottish history podcast with him.

That’s a long way of saying, we launched a new podcast focusing on lesser-known stories from Scottish history and we’re having a blast!

Under the Kilt is the Scottish history podcast where we delve into the sporrans of many a highlander, lowlander and beyond to learn and blether.

From Picts to present day, we reckon there’s a fair bit of Scottish history you’ve never heard about. Aye, we’re confident. After all, there’s been folks scattered across these hills and moors since about 12,000 BCE. And so, we’re wandering the historical heather and exploring the less worn paths of bonnie Scotland and all her glory, missteps and historical omissions.

Now in it's second season, you can find UTK on all major podcast platforms: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, etc.