[REDACTED]: Comedic Reading Series

[REDACTED]: Comedic Reading Series

Meet [REDACTED] – they'll make you laugh, they'll make you cry, they'll insert movie reference here.

Redacted is a comedic, no-budget staged reading series where funny people lovingly roast a movie that they (and you) love.

The Redacted crew has (un)written all of your favorites – from Jurassic Park and Dirty Dancing to Teen Wolf and A Muppet Christmas Carol.

I've had the pleasure of joining the cast for Teen Wolf, Tremors, The Mummy, Twister, Miss Congeniality (as Sandy B, herself!), and hope to play in a whole bunch more.

Shows are $10 or pay what you (partial proceeds go to a rotating charity) and take place in the lounge at The Music Box Theatre (3733 N Southport Ave).