JOKERS (2019)

JOKERS (2019)

Jokers is a short film about the toils of being a woman in stand-up. The creeps, the lack of appreciation, and the smiling and joking through it all, no matter how frustrating or scary.

As a woman in comedy (albeit not stand-up), I wish I could say that Jokers was pure fiction, but it isn’t. Screenwriter Ben Verschoor does an eerily excellent job capturing the playfully menacing and menacingly playful situations too many women in comedy (or any male-dominated field) endure throughout their career…and then heightening that threat to the extreme (but still all to plausible). It’s a funny, crazy, and realistic story, and I’m honored to be a part of it, double-honored to have been cast as Helen, the leading role.

Jokers is a short film. But right now, it’s much shorter. In April, we shot the first ten pages of the script as a proof-of-concept, and now the team has 30 days to raise the funds required to shoot the rest.

Please consider backing Jokers on Kickstarter.