CastleChaos Multicon 2023 - Screening Bride of the Killer Pinata

CastleChaos Multicon 2023 - Screening Bride of the Killer Pinata

CastleChaos MultiCon is an all encompassing Con Experience for EVERY universe of Fandom and this year it's coming to Oregon, IL – more notably it's coming to Stronghold Camp & Retreat Center, which is a real castle.

They're going to screen Bride of the Killer Pinata (feat. yours truly) on Saturday, April 29th at 3:30, and then host a Q&A afterwards with director, Stephen Tramontana, and any potential cast who attends.

They're also planning to do a meet and greet, photos, etc. Sadly, I won't be in attendance as I have shows that evening back in the city, but you should check it out! You can find more about the event here: